
As most of you already know, but for the ones who are new here, we were blessed with a child with Down Syndrome.  He keeps it real around here.  He never ceases to amaze me at what he knows that we think he doesn’t even care about.

So I know you’re wondering why I have a set of Pilgrims pictured. Never mind that is December 7th, and most everyone else has their Christmas Decorations out and our enjoying them for the season. Never mind that I still have pumpkins on my kitchen table and we just finished the Thanksgiving leftovers. Didn’t even think he was aware that I was running a little bit behind. You would think that he would be used to it by now.


Well, on Saturday, after we arrived home from the last show, I noticed that the pilgrims from the table were sitting alone on my kitchen countertop. I looked at my husband and said “Did you move the Pilgrims?” He looked at me with a look of “are you kidding me, I’d never touch a piece of home decor you placed anywhere.”

Joel, my son with Down Syndrome, was standing within hearing distance and walked over to me and looked me square in the eye and said “It’s over! Tree up! Lights on!! Well, I guess I’ve been told what to do! So last night my husband grudgingly put up our flocked tree and of course there is flocking all over the place. No decorations. But, the tree’s up and the lights are on.

Christmas 2
But, I really probably won’t decorate it until after our “Secret Sale” coming this Friday and Saturday. Yes, it’s here and all we have left in the shop will be 40% off. (Furniture is not included.) We have plenty of stock for gift giving and holiday decorating.


So join us for 40% off of the entire store and I already thank you for a wonderful year. I can’t wait to start shopping for next year. So we have to move what’s left and you get a 40% discount on your full order! Can’t beat that, can you?

Secret Sale
December 8, Friday, 10 to 5
December 9, Saturday, 10 to 3

Take 40% off of you total order. Hope we see you all!

