
Happy Thursday Everyone!

I know you all like to hear about our trip to market, so I thought I would share a couple of pictures with you. The displays at market are always AMAZING. It’s so inspiring. In January, the displays are always in Autumn and Christmas products. As you can see, we really get into (literally) these displays.


Of course, one of my favorite things to observe are the mixing of fabric patterns. I see this is the upholstery, décor, and also clothing. These are a couple of the clothing designs that I will be bringing into the shop.




Speaking of patterns, I’m going to share a secret with you… These faux fingernails that I wore at market were the hottest item there. I couldn’t reach for anything without someone telling me how much they loved them. I felt it was a stretch on the wild side for me, but the approval was overwhelming (and embarrassing at times) So, I want you to take this to heart–Stretch your comfort zone, You may actually enjoy it. If you want me to assist you in stretching your black/white clothing comfort zone;) come see the clothing selection at our first Spring Open House which is this March 28-April 1.

Maybe you’ll even see me wearing another awesome nail design!

– April
